Digging into TR1

Chan­nel 9 has an in­ter­view with Stephan T. Lavavej of the Vi­sual C++ team show­ing off some of the new fea­tures in TR1, the new draft stan­dard li­brary ad­di­tions for C++0x. While the in­ter­view will prob­a­bly have noth­ing new for com­pe­tent C++ de­vel­op­ers, Stephan does go into good de­tail ex­plain­ing the unique strengths of C++ that new­bies may not im­me­di­ately see.

If you’ve thought of C++ but have been scared by its com­plex­ity, or have been tempted by newer garbage col­lected lan­guages like C#, this will prob­a­bly be a good eye opener.

Posted on March 01, 2008 in C++, Coding, Microsoft, TR1

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