
CN 2009 recap

This year’s NSU Cul­ture Night was in­cred­i­ble!

Open­ing up was Kyodo Taiko, per­form­ing their Swing and Black and White sets. Black and White is a new, pow­er­ful set cre­ated this year which I sus­pect will be­come a new fa­vorite among fans. As al­ways, Kyodo loves to have fun – doing funny skits in be­tween sets, and al­ways show­ing off their skill and good humor through­out their per­for­mance.

Next was the drama team. Drama al­ways sets the theme for the show, typ­i­cally about the cur­rent is­sues of the Nikkei com­mu­nity. This year their per­for­mance cen­tered on re­cent buy­outs in Lit­tle Tokyo, hop­ing to bring at­ten­tion to what has been a de­cid­edly stealthy move by cor­po­ra­tions that may end up re­mov­ing a large chunk of the cul­ture from Lit­tle Tokyo. This year’s set had plenty of humor to go along with it, oc­ca­sion­ally pok­ing fun at rival Los An­ge­les col­lege USC. They brought back a run­ning joke from last year’s per­for­mance which re­ally had the croud bust­ing up. This per­for­mance was split into sev­eral parts, spread through­out the night.

The Odori (tra­di­tional dance) team opened up with their typ­i­cal slow, ex­ag­ger­ated, metic­u­lous dance. But some­thing was dif­fer­ent this year – for the first time I’ve seen, they are using a bit more mod­ern music. They per­formed Gion Kouta, and ex­pertly merged it’s more com­plex and slightly faster music with the tra­di­tional Odori style. This ap­proach was a pleas­ant sur­prise, and puts them more in line with Kyodo’s tra­di­tional-mod­ern hy­brid style.

NSU Mod­ern’s first set was their very en­er­getic Mad Hat­ter’s Tea Party, which is a real treat to see live. Mod­ern re­ally shines here, show­ing a true pas­sion for in­no­va­tion in dance—these guys must sweat pure con­cen­trated skill.

After a short in­ter­mis­sion, Odori started the show per­form­ing the aptly named Mat­suri, also a more mod­ern up­beat song. This was evoca­tive of a real mat­suri (fes­ti­val) in Japan and was very fun to watch!

Kyodo came back to per­form Yon­sei, Nanairo, and of course their sig­na­ture fi­nale En­core. Nanairo is a new set cre­ated by this year’s new­bie class, but not to fear—this has all the en­ergy you’d ex­pect in a Kyodo per­for­mance. Kyodo holds a spe­cial place in my heart—the first time I saw them left me spell­bound, caus­ing me to fall in love with taiko and seek it out any­where I could find it. I’ve been to many taiko per­for­mances since then—most of them fea­tur­ing Kyodo—so I am quite fa­mil­iar with En­core. Yet after all this time, it still fills me with the same glee as if I was see­ing it for the first time.

Mod­ern closed the night with their Tribal and Jazz sets, both of which I've never seen be­fore. Tribal was typ­i­cal Mod­ern style—en­er­getic, fun, super sexy, and good beats. Jazz took a com­pletely dif­fer­ent turn with a strong bal­let per­for­mance, show­ing Mod­ern’s di­ver­sity.

And that’s the night, it was a blast! I was happy to see Leech Sen­sei there, my awe­some Japan­ese teacher from high school. Looks like he brought even more kids than when I orig­i­nally came to a CN with him, so I’m glad to see Japan­ese is get­ting more pop­u­lar! I just hope they aren’t giv­ing him as hard of a time as I did, read­ing Dune in class and ar­gu­ing with him about the mer­its of Quake vs. Di­a­blo II ;).

Edit: added miss­ing Kyodo and Mod­ern videos, and up­dated the ex­ist­ing links to the CN2009 ver­sions. Thanks zachirie!

NSU Culture Night 2009

NSU Culture Night 2009 flyer

There are only a few weeks left until the 23rd an­nual NSU Cul­ture Night at UCLA. This is a re­ally fun night ex­plor­ing Japan­ese-Amer­i­can cul­ture. There will be taiko (drum­ming), mod­ern dance, drama, and odori (tra­di­tional dance) per­for­mances. These groups are uni­ver­sity kids so they know how to have fun—every time I’ve seen them per­form it has been a phe­nom­e­nal ex­pe­ri­ence.

It’s free and open to all so if you’re in­ter­ested and can get to UCLA’s Royce Hall at 6:00pm on Pres­i­dents’ Day (Feb­ru­ary 16th), you can re­serve tick­ets by send­ing an email with your name and num­ber of tick­ets to nsuculturenight2009@​gmail.​com.