I/O Improvements in Windows Vista
My tips for efficient I/O are relevant all the way back to coding for Windows 2000. A lot of time has passed since then though, and for all the criticism it got, Windows Vista actually brought in a few new ways to make I/O even more performant than before.
This will probably be my last post on user-mode I/O until something new and interesting comes along, completing what started a couple weeks ago with High Performance I/O on Windows.
Synchronous completion
In the past, non-blocking I/O was a great way to reduce the stress on a completion port. An unfortunate side-effect of this was an increased amount of syscalls -- the last non-blocking call you make will do nothing, only returning WSAEWOULDBLOCK. You would still need to call an asynchronous version to wait for more data.
Windows Vista solved this elegantly with SetFileCompletionNotificationModes. This function lets you tell a file or socket that you don't want a completion packet queued up when an operation completes synchronously (that is, a function returned success immediately and not ERROR_IO_PENDING). Using this, the last I/O call will always be of some use -- either it completes immediately and you can continue processing, or it starts an asynchronous operation and a completion packet will be queued up when it finishes.
Like the non-blocking I/O trick, continually calling this can starve other operations in a completion port if a socket or file feeds data faster than you can process it. Care should be taken to limit the number of times you continue processing synchronous completions.
Reuse memory with file handles
If you want to optimize even more for throughput, you can associate a range of memory with an unbuffered file handle using SetFileIoOverlappedRange. This tells the OS that a block of memory will be re-used, and should be kept locked in memory until the file handle is closed. Of course if you won't be performing I/O with a handle very often, it might just waste memory.
Dequeue multiple completion packets at once
A new feature to further reduce the stress on a completion port is GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx, which lets you dequeue multiple completion packets in one call.
If you read the docs for it, you'll eventually realize it only returns error information if the function itself fails—not if an async operation fails. Unfortunately this important information is missing from all the official docs I could find, and searching gives nothing. So how do you get error information out of GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx? Well, after playing around a bit I discovered that you can call GetOverlappedResult or WSAGetOverlappedResult to get it, so not a problem.
This function should only be used if your application has a single thread or handles a high amount of concurrent I/O operations, or you might end up defeating the multithreading baked in to completion ports by not letting it spread completion notifications around. If you can use it, it's a nice and easy way to boost the performance of your code by lowering contention on a completion port.
Bandwidth reservation
One large change in Windows Vista was I/O scheduling and prioritization. If you have I/O that is dependant on steady streaming like audio or video, you can now use SetFileBandwidthReservation to help ensure it will never be interrupted by something else hogging a disk.
Cancel specific I/O requests
A big pain pre-Vista was the inability to cancel individual I/O operations. The only option was to cancel all operations for a handle, and only from the thread which initiated them.
If it turns out some I/O operation is no longer required, it is now possible to cancel individual I/Os using CancelIoEx. This much needed function replaces the almost useless CancelIo, and opens the doors to sharing file handles between separate operations.