
The Political Compass

A cou­ple years ago the µTor­rent guys pointed me to­ward the Po­lit­i­cal Com­pass, and I have since had a lot of fun with it.

The Po­lit­i­cal Com­pass gives you a se­ries of ide­olo­gies to choose from, and uses them to map you on two axes: an eco­nomic scale (left/right) and a so­cial scale (au­thor­i­tar­ian/lib­er­tar­ian).

Many of the ques­tions in the test forces one to take a deeper view at their own ide­olo­gies. I know there were a cou­ple on there that made me ques­tion my­self. If you take it truth­fully—ig­nor­ing any po­lit­i­cal par­ties that have slighted you, ig­nor­ing any po­lit­i­cal cor­rect­ness, and sim­ply an­swer­ing how you ac­tu­ally feel, you might learn some­thing about your­self.

The ide­olo­gies pro­posed are often on a far axis, forc­ing you to choose be­tween ex­tremes. Some of them are vague, forc­ing you to think it out. I al­most uni­ver­sally have peo­ple paste me some of the ques­tions with a big WTF, some­times even ac­cus­ing the test of being slanted against them.

It al­ways fas­ci­nates me to have other peo­ple take it, be­cause by the end most of them re­al­ize the guy they had been root­ing for—Obama, Mc­Cain, Ron Paul, who­ever—is ac­tu­ally pretty far from their views. Many De­moc­rats re­al­ize they are a good deal far­ther left than they thought, and most Re­pub­li­cans find they are quite a bit more lib­er­tar­ian than they be­lieved.

The com­pass is not re­ally a de­fin­i­tive an­swer for what party you should vote for, I wouldn't rec­om­mend any­one vote solely be­cause of it. But it can offer a start­ing point point for peo­ple, to fil­ter the feel-good pol­i­tics that try to ap­peal to every­one from the ac­tual is­sues that peo­ple dis­agree with.

In a cou­ple cases the peo­ple I've had take it re­al­ized they are ac­tu­ally polar op­po­sites of the guy they voted for, one of them thank­ing me a few weeks af­ter­ward as it had caused him to read up on his choice and no­tice he had been fooled by those same feel-good pol­i­tics, say­ing "I can't be­lieve I al­most voted for that idiot!"