PeerGuardian 2

PeerGuardian 2PeerGuardian 2 settingsPeerGuardian 2 settings

PeerGuardian 2 improves your privacy online by blocking connections to addresses that attempt to track what you download.

Download PeerGuardian 2 Beta 6b

Click here to download PeerGuardian 2 for Windows 7, Vista, XP, and 2000.

Try PeerBlock

PeerGuardian 2 is long dead, and kept here only for archival purposes. Development has been picked up by PeerBlock, which can be considered the successor to PeerGuardian. It fixes many bugs, adds new features, and offers support for Windows 7 and Vista.


PeerGuardian 2 will always be free, but donations are still appreciated and will help me figure out what to spend my time on. Any small amount helps!

If you're a programmer and would like to contribute a patch, please email me.

Open Source

PeerGuardian 2 is Open Source and distributed under a zlib/libpng license. The source code can be viewed online or downloaded through CVS:

cvs login
cvs co -P pg2

PeerGuardian 2 also uses other great Open Source software including 7-zip, Boost, Inno Setup, libcurl, libxml, SQLite, and zlib.