PeerGuardian 2

PeerGuardian 2PeerGuardian 2 settingsPeerGuardian 2 settings

Peer­Guardian 2 im­proves your pri­vacy on­line by block­ing con­nec­tions to ad­dresses that at­tempt to track what you down­load.

Download PeerGuardian 2 Beta 6b

Click here to down­load Peer­Guardian 2 for Win­dows 7, Vista, XP, and 2000.

Try PeerBlock

Peer­Guardian 2 is long dead, and kept here only for archival pur­poses. De­vel­op­ment has been picked up by PeerBlock, which can be con­sid­ered the suc­ces­sor to Peer­Guardian. It fixes many bugs, adds new fea­tures, and of­fers sup­port for Win­dows 7 and Vista.


Peer­Guardian 2 will al­ways be free, but do­na­tions are still ap­pre­ci­ated and will help me fig­ure out what to spend my time on. Any small amount helps!

If you're a pro­gram­mer and would like to con­tribute a patch, please email me.

Open Source

Peer­Guardian 2 is Open Source and dis­trib­uted under a zlib/libpng li­cense. The source code can be viewed on­line or down­loaded through CVS:

cvs login
cvs co -P pg2

Peer­Guardian 2 also uses other great Open Source soft­ware in­clud­ing 7-zip, Boost, Inno Setup, libcurl, libxml, SQLite, and zlib.